My Nomad AccountUpdated 5 months ago
Log in or create a new account
Select the person icon at the top right-hand side of our website to access the account portal. You can also log in or create a new account here.
Reset your password
Forgot your password? No worries. The account portal doesn't require a password. Just enter your email on the login page, and you will receive an email from us with your unique, one-time-use login code.
Account actions
From your Nomad account, you can:
- View the order history associated with the email address used to log in.
- View your order numbers, items, total, and payment status.
- Select an order from your order history to view its status and tracking information.
- Edit the first and last name associated with your account.
- Edit your saved shipping address and select a default shipping address for your account.
- Log out of all devices.
You cannot cancel or update a live order from your account. You cannot update your contact information from your account. If you need to make these or any other updates to your account or recent orders, please contact our team with your request. We're happy to help!